GOTO Statement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Branches unconditionally to the specified line. Syntax GOTO { linelabel | linenumber} Remarks The argument linelabel or linenumber indicates the line to execute next. This line must be at the same level of the program. The GOTO statement provides a means for branching unconditionally to another line ( linelabel or linenumber). A GOTO statement can branch only to another statement at the same level within a program. You cannot use GOTO to enter or exit a SUB or FUNCTION procedure or multiline DEF FN function. You can, however, use GOTO to control program flow within any of these program structures. It is good programming practice to use structured control statements ( DO... LOOP, FOR... NEXT, IF... THEN... ELSE, SELECT CASE) instead of GOTO statements, because a program with many GOTO statements can be difficult to read and debug. Example The following example calculates the area of a circle. The program uses the GOTO statement to repeat the operation. CLS ' Clear screen. PRINT "Input 0 to end." Start. INPUT R IF R = 0 THEN END ELSE A = 3.14 * R ^ 2 PRINT "Area ="; A END IF GOTO Start Output Input 0 to end. ? 5 Area = 78.5 ? 0